Hallmann & Klee

weitere Details

Böhmische Str. 13
12055 Berlin

Menu of Hallmann & Klee

Last updated 03.04.2023

vegetarian vegetarian

One Gaumenfreund tastes this dish
+ austern
gillardeau, nouvelle-aquitaine
28,00 st. 5 / 6 st.
95,00 essen
1. course amuses kohlrabi, mandarine, raps kohlrabi, mandarin, canola
2. course endivie, kaper, holunderblüte endive, caper, elderflower
3. course pici, spinat, melange noir pici, spinach, melange noir
4. course champignon, nussbutter, senf mushroom, brown butter, mustard
5. course + heggelbach, holsteiner cox heggelbach, holsteiner cox 15
6. course olivenöl, quitte, kümmel olive oil, quince, caraway
7. course schokolade 85%, steinpilz chocolate 85%, porcini
+ austern st. 5 | 6 st.
gillardeau, nouvelle-aquitaine
95,00 essen
1. course amuses wagyu, sonnenblume wagyu, sunflower
2. course carabinero, champagne carabinero, champagne
3. course kartoffel, liebstöckel potato, lovage
4. course damwild, hühnerbrühe fallow deer, chicken broth
5. course + heggelbach, holsteiner cox heggelbach, holsteiner cox 15
6. course olivenöl, quitte, kümmel olive oil, quince, caraway
7. course caretta orange caretta orange

The date of last edit of this menu for Hallmann & Klee is 03.04.2023. All pictures to be considered serving suggestions. The current menu at the restaurant applies.